Fall is Fun in Elkhart County. Check out Vito the Boston Terrier’s latest adventures and start planning you and your pet’s adventures today!

Follow Vito the Boston Terrier on Instagram: @vito_the_boston_terrier


Additional Resources for your visiting with your dog:


Best Places to walk your dog in Elkhart County

Dog Friendly Food Stops

Top Ten Pet-Friendly Stops (PDF)


Wellfield Botanic Gardens, Elkhart, Indiana

Vito is so excited to visit Wellfield!  He has a special doggy pass!


“I could sure go for a cool swim right now!”


Looks like a great place to take a nap!


Which statue is the best?


“Enough photos!  Let’s go!!”


“Whoa!  That’s a really big doggy!!”


Making friends at the botanical garden!


I should have brought some biscuits for a snack break!


Island Park, Elkhart, Indiana

Vito loves Island Park in Elkhart!


Vito…the mighty squirrel hunter!


Island Park has some pretty tasty sticks!


This park has lots of great places to relax!  Is it time for lunch yet??


The Vine on Main, Elkhart, Indiana

"Doggy treat bag & water?! They sure love dogs at The Vine!  What a great place to end my busy day!"


Read Part One of Vito's Adventure

Read Part Two of Vito's Adventure

Vito's Experiences in Elkhart County