Auctions Provide Relief Sharing and helping your fellow man isn’t just do-gooder-ism in the Amish and Mennonite world. It’s required. And the tradition has spread throughout Amish Country and Elkhart County to involve people from all walks of life. The Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale, held at the Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds in Goshen, consists of a giant, fast-paced auction where handmade quilts, antiques and Amish delicacies are sold to the highest bidder. Proceeds go to the worldwide relief efforts.
The Goldenrod Benefit Auction, held in Middlebury, offers locally handcrafted quilts and furniture for auction. It also features a traditional Amish Haystack Supper. The Goldenrod Benefit Auction is held to benefit challenged adults.
Points of Interest:
- The Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale is one of the largest of its kind in the nation.
- The recipe for a traditional Haystack Supper won a generous donation for the local Lions Club from Newman’s Own. The recipe was submitted by a group of Amish school children. For more information, contact 800.262.8161