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Welcome! ...to our Gospel lighthouse.


"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
I am the light of the world..." (John 8:12)



Open Bible Baptist Church

Also known as Open Bible Independent Baptist Church


Streaming to the world via Internet.


James Leichty, Pastor

331 North Second St., Elkhart, Indiana 46516, (574) 295-9606


website: www.obbcElkhart.com


Fundamental, Missions Minded, and Mainstream King James Bible Believing




   Schedule of weekly church services

Sunday morning Bible study                          10:00  AM

Sunday morning worship                              11:00  AM

Sunday evening worship                                6:00  PM

Wednesday evening prayer & Bible study         6:30  PM




Elkhart, Indiana's accurate TIME and TEMPERATURE is shown on our following "Anthology" webpage.





If you were to die right now, are you one-hundred percent sure you would go to heaven?  If you do not know, that is something you need to know.  To find out how to know this, on this page’s left side menu, click on the webpage entitled “Internet Links,” and then click on the top links.  It is highly recommended that you do not leave those links until you are 100% sure you are on your way to heaven.


Please look at the following pamplets.










Open Bible Baptist Church, Elkhart, Indiana!

Former Pastor Dale Moore's
family, in July 2005
Thy righteousness is like the great mountains... (Psalm 36:6)


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Open Bible Baptist Church, Elkhart, Indiana. International copyright 2005. All rights reserved.